How Dental Crowns Can Bring Back Your Smile

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Dental crowns are artificial caps to restore natural tooth function. Crowns are used by Dr. Chad Howe to replace damaged teeth in your smile. Whether you sustain an injury to the mouth from sports, accidental trauma or tooth infection, our Howe Dental team can make a tooth look as good as new with a dental crown.

So how do crowns work? They are tooth-shaped caps custom-crafted to fit over damaged teeth so that they are strong, protected, and aesthetically pleasing. Crowns are also perfect for cosmetic reasons, as they can enhance a tooth that is discolored or unsightly and make it look natural again.

Dental crowns come in a variety of different materials, including porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, and even gold. Depending on your needs, our dentists can help you choose the right material for your crown.

To protect your crown, you will want to avoid eating hard foods including ice, don’t use your teeth as tools, and don’t bite your fingernails. If you grind or clench your teeth constantly (known as bruxism), this can harm your teeth and crown over time. Speak with our dentists if you have a problem with bruxism.

Caring for your crowns means taking care of your pearly whites and gums to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Establish healthy oral hygiene habits including brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day between those areas where your toothbrush can’t reach. There are interdental brushes and sticks as well as floss to help you remove plaque from the crown where the gum meets the tooth. Routine professional dental cleanings are also a must to ensuring strong oral health.

If you take good care of your smile, your crowns can last five to eight years or longer. To find out more about how dental crowns can bring back your smile, we invite you to call 801-776-1240 in Roy, Utah today. We are also happy to schedule a consultation with Dr. Chad Howe. We look forward to hearing from you!