Tips for Recovering After Root Canal Treatment

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Root canal treatment is a beneficial way of restoring your tooth’s full health and function after severe decay and damage. You deserve the top-notch smile this treatment can give you! However, these pristine results are only achievable when you properly recover after treatment. The recovery period is essential when restoring your oral health! So, our dentist, Dr. Chad Howe, strongly encourages you to recover after root canal treatment by doing the following things:

-Manage your pain: After the numbness wears off, your tooth and mouth might feel a bit sore and tender. This isn’t anything over-the-counter pain medications can’t help with. Your dentist will recommend the type of medication to take and will provide instructions on how to take it. Your dentist might also prescribe medication if necessary. You can also use an ice pack regularly to reduce swelling and pain.

-Clean the area: It’s recommended to brush twice a day and floss daily, just like you normally would, to keep the surgical site clean and free of infection.

-Schedule your dental crown appointment: Usually, a dental crown is needed after treatment to give the tooth the support it needs. So, to restore full health and function to the tooth quickly, schedule your dental crown treatment as soon as possible. Until your appointment, please avoid using your treated tooth as much as you can.

For more information and details about root canal treatment in Roy, Utah, please contact our dental team at Howe Dental when you have the chance. All you need to do is dial 801-776-1240 and we will be more than happy to help you in any way we can. We look forward to hearing from you!